The key to any good comeback is, first and foremost, to get people to notice that a comeback is actually occurring. But even though it was his first live tour in over half a decade, Dane Cook's "Tell It Like It Is" tour in 2019 didn't manage to capture the attention of, well, much of anyone really. Though we did find a few articles promoting the comeback, we had a hard time finding anyone who had actually reviewed it, much less liked it. The tour didn't seem to launch any new projects or specials, and Cook still wasn't getting the same kinds of blockbuster movie roles he'd been known for in the late 2000s. It was, in the end, a pretty quiet affair.
That said, in all fairness, we will acknowledge that being 2019, this tour took place right before the little global pandemic hiccup. According to Cook, he had just performed at Radio City Music Hall and was set to tape the special right after that when COVID-19 shut everything down. Which is why he hopes 2021, when the special was actually filmed, will be the real year of the comeback.